Smart Physical Distancing Face Shield | Turn your face shield into a smart one using ESP8266


#InternetOfThings #FaceShield #SmartFaceShield

This is a project by Engr. Gideon G. Buniel also known as “G” that won 3rd place in the recent Regional-wide Online Makers Challenge of Department of Science and Technology (DOST) Caraga under the non-student category. The said competition is for these inventors and innovators to bring interventions or to outsmart covid-19.

This project can detect people in front who violate the 1-meter physical distancing. This is powered by ESP8266 nodemcu which is also rechargeable because of the 18650 battery and TP4056 charger. The sensor on this project is Ultrasonic Sensor HC-SR04.

This is Project 1M: A Do-It-Yourself Physical Distancing Accurate Rechargeable Face Shield. You can message me if you want to know more about this product or if you want to learn something about this.

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#ESP8266 #Covid19 #DOSTCaraga #UltrasonicSensor #HCSR04 #18650Battery #TP4056 #FaceShield #SmartFaceShield #Project1M

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