BM-800 Microphone with V8 Sound Card Recording Set: Unboxing | Review | Tutorial | Sample
#BM800 #V8SoundCard #RecordingSet We ordered this recording set from Shopee and found out that it is actually good. In...
Let's build a creative world
#BM800 #V8SoundCard #RecordingSet We ordered this recording set from Shopee and found out that it is actually good. In...
#RingLight #videoConferences #Unboxing This pandemic has led us to buy this Ring Light because we often have video conferences...
#BravoBaste #JurisDoctor #LawSchool Hello Kring, this is a tribute to your well-deserved success as you graduate Juris Doctor at...
#BravoBaste #LawSchool #JurisDoctor This is a vlog that shows my love for Kring as she graduates Juris Doctor at...
#Covid19 #TouchlessAlcoholDispenser #DoItYourself #Covid19 #TouchlessAlcoholDispenser #DoItYourself Today, in a world full of chaos, we come to realize that every...
#Shopping #Timelapse #GaisanoCapitalSurigao For our second vlog, we went to Gaisano Capital Surigao to buy groceries for our daily consumption....
#CampoLangit #Malimono #Trekking This is our first attempt in vlogging. We went to Campo Langit, Malimono, Surigao del Norte. We...
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