i-Detect: IoT Voice-Activated Home Automation with Smoke and Fire Detection and Mitigation System
#InternetOfThings #iDetect #Capstone
In the 4th Industrial Revolution, the Internet of Things (IoT) and Artificial Intelligence (AI) are part of the pivotal technological advancement that connected the world better. This paved the way for the latest innovation in voice-controlled home automation for gas leakage and fire detection. In recent technology, there are no existing projects that maximize the potential of ESP32. Some people only use this device for specific purposes such as gas leakage detection, smart lighting, and fire detection. This propelled the researcher to develop a system that fully utilizes the ESP32 especially its analog and digital capabilities. This project was conceptualized to focus on disaster risk reduction with the use of smart lighting and switching systems.
The system used Agile Hardware with Embedded Software Development Methodology specifically the water-scrum-fall approach. This approach initially starts with the product idea followed by the hardware requirements and functional specifications (hardware). This leads to the embedded software development and integration testing (hardware and software). The final stage is product acceptance. Every process underwent sprint development to make sure that every process worked well.
The whole operation of the system functioned satisfactorily with the integration of the sensors and yielded the expected output for this project. In conclusion, the trials conducted to showcase the reliability and accuracy of the system.
I have recommended stores where you can buy the components:
Components used: The project used the ESP32 Wifi Internet of Things (IoT) Board that acted as the main controller for this project. Integrated into it are MQ2 Smoke/Gas Sensor Module, Flame Sensor Module, Amazon Alexa Echo Dot 3, 8-Channel Relay Module, 220V Exhaust Fan, Submersible Water Pump, LED Bulbs, Power Outlet, XY-L10A Intelligent Charging Control Module, SMPS Power Supply, E-gizmo SIM800 EVB + Power GSM Module, RF Transmitter and Receiver, 433 MHz Wall Switch, PLDT Home Prepaid WIFI, Rotary Alarm, 12V Lead Acid Battery, L298N Dual H-Bridge Motor Driver, and LM2596 Step-down Voltage Converter.
For circuit diagram and other visualizations use fritizing app. For domain name I used https://www.namecheap.com/ and https://www.hostinger.ph/ as the hosting site for the web server.
If you have more questions you can send a message to gideongbunielv2@gmail.com
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